As if you haven’t noticed by now, body hair grows everywhere! The funny part is both women and men go to great lengths to try and stop those pesky hairs from showing. Whether it’s the dreadful thought of scoring a date and squeezing your body into your little black dress, only to notice you forgot to shave your legs, or the discomfort of scratching a loved one’s face with your 5 o’clock shadow as you go in for a kiss, we all have our issues with body hair. The increased need for silky smooth skin 24 hours a day, seven days a week is exactly why the interest of laser hair removal is significantly growing worldwide!
The benefits of laser hair removal
Join the “no razor, no problem” population as we introduce the benefits of laser hair removal! Hair removal is now within reach as the advancement in technology makes the process of getting rid of unwanted hair an easy possibility.
Not only does Paradise Medspa offer hair removal, but we use Cynosure’s Elite laser system, the latest in laser technology. Unlike other hair removal lasers, our system allows for the selection of two wavelengths and a customized treatment for each client. Lighter skin tones require a different laser wavelength than darker skins tones. Other than the opportunity to part ways with your razor forever, there are additional benefits to the laser hair removal procedure.
Further benefits of laser hair removal include:
- Precise—the handheld laser only targets dark coarse hairs with precision, leaving the surrounding skin untouched and unharmed.
- Fast—the high concentrated light is quickly sent to the skin in just a fraction of a second and treats multiple hair follicles at one time.
- Predictable—research has proven this procedure effective and is an excellent tool for hair removal after the recommended number of sessions.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Before the Procedure
What should you do before a laser hair removal procedure?
- Schedule a consultation.
- Feel confident that laser hair removal is for you.
If you decide you want in on this permanent solution for unwanted hair, the first step is to schedule a consultation. Speaking with a laser technician will answer any questions you may have about the hair removal procedure, although we wouldn’t be surprised if this article answers them all for you too. The technician will also review your medical history, address any concerns, and discuss what is expected during and after the in-office treatment. The two of you will talk about the amount of time the procedure is estimated to take and discuss the number of treatments recommended to reach your treatment goal.
Once you have an understanding of our laser hair removal service, the next step is to come in for your first laser treatment!
During the Procedure
What can I expect during my procedure?
- Trimming of the area
- Customized Elite Laser system settings
- A laser hair removal treatment using advanced technology
- Application of cooling gel
A first time for anything can be scary, but not if you know what to expect. When you come into Paradise Medspa for your first hair removal procedure, the laser technician will begin by trimming the area so that the hair ends just above the skin. After a short trimming of your hair, the technician will apply a small amount of cooling gel to your skin as a method of preparation before picking up the handheld laser.
The technician will then adjust the settings of the wavelength produced by the laser before application based on your hair color, thickness, location and skin tone. Once the correct settings are applied and the laser is activated, it’s time to zap those hair follicles so that they’re gone forever!
The hair removal process begins as the laser sends pulses of a highly concentrated beam of light down to the root of your hair follicles, where the beginning of hair growth originates. The pigment in each hair follicle then absorbs the light sent from the laser, causing damage to the follicle and eventually stopping the cycle of hair growth.
After the entire area is treated with the Elite systems laser, this life-changing procedures ends with an application of cooling gel that helps reduce any feelings of discomfort.
After the Procedure
What should I expect after the procedure?
- Minor redness or swelling
- Avoidance of sun exposure
- Small amount of hair shedding
Temporary redness or swelling is sometimes common after any hair removal procedure. To help reduce the feelings of minor discomfort, you can apply ice, aloe gel or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.
The sun can cause damage to your skin every day, but after a hair removal procedure your skin is more vulnerable than ever! It is important you avoid sun exposure as much as possible. This includes both natural sunlight for all you outdoor explorers and tanning beds for those of you that prefer to tan indoors. Unlike the usual solution to sun exposure, sunscreen can only be applied after the skin has fully healed, which can take four to six weeks.
You might notice some hair shedding, but how else are you supposed to lose unwanted hair forever? Many people have mistaken this as a sign of new hair growth, but ease your mind because that’s not the case.
As with all laser hair removal procedures, multiple treatments may be required to experience permanent hair loss and provide final natural looking results. Until then, hair growth is still possible but should appear finer and lighter in color. The returning hairs should be less noticeable and can successively be eliminated with additional treatments every four to six weeks.
Addressing Your Laser Hair Removal Concerns
There are a few concerns and potential side-effects that are frequently brought up during a patient’s initial consultation, so we wanted to address them here first.
- Skin irritation
- Changes in skin pigment
- Shaving before the procedure
Skin Irritation
When we refer to the term skin irritation, we simply mean experiencing slight redness or swelling to the area. This side-effect typically disappears within a few hours post treatment and should only result in minor discomfort. If you have any questions about the severity of your irritated skin, call a technician immediately.
Changes in Skin Pigment
Don’t just choose any old spa to receive laser hair removal. With the incorrect settings and unfit laser wavelengths, technicians can damage the pigment found in the skin, causing the treated skin to temporarily appear lighter or darker in color.
Shaving Before Laser Hair Removal
Contrary to other hair removal methods, shaving the area is acceptable and actually allows the technician to skip the hair trimming portion. Unlike waxing or plucking, shaving only cuts the hair.This preserves the hair follicle and allows the root of the hair to still be removed.
Receive Silky Smooth Skin at Paradise Medspa!
Just imagine never having to replace a razor or nick your skin ever again!Removing unwanted hair using the Cynosure’s Elite laser system is now just as easy as, and more efficient than, the at-home waxing kits or countless minutes of shaving! Set the time aside spent shaving and schedule a consultation at Paradise Medspa today by calling 602-266-8144!